Alpine Entomology will be granted its first Impact Factor in 2023

All journals currently indexed by the Emerging Science Citation Index (ESCI), including Alpine Entomology will be granted an Impact Factor with the 2023 JCR release, expected next June.
This comes as a result of the changes to the Journal Citation Reports, announced by Clarivate on Tuesday, 26 July 2022. With the addition of the ESCI and the Arts and Humanities Citation Index (AHCI), all four indices recognised by Web of Science / Clarivate will have an Impact Factor. Still, they will remain separate categories.
How about the first Impact Factor for Alpine Entomology?
While the journal will certainly receive an Impact Factor next summer, little can we guess where it will stand. Even though we know that the latest Scopus CiteScore reads 1.5, which is up from 1, the JIF is calculated using a quite different formula, where citations made in the last completed calendar year are divided by the number of citable publications in the preceding two calendar years.
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