Research Article |
Corresponding author: Andreas Müller ( ) Academic editor: Jessica Litman
© 2019 Andreas Müller, Rainer Prosi, Christophe Praz, Henning Richter.
This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY 4.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
Müller A, Prosi R, Praz C, Richter H (2019) Nesting in bark – the peculiar life history of the rare boreoalpine osmiine bee Osmia (Melanosmia) nigriventris (Hymenoptera, Megachilidae). Alpine Entomology 3: 105-119.
Osmia (Melanosmia) nigriventris (Zetterstedt) is a predominantly boreoalpine megachilid bee species, whose biology is poorly known due to its pronounced rarity all over Central Europe. The discovery of 19 nests in the Grisons and Valais (Switzerland) allowed for the investigation of its nesting biology and prompted the assessment of the species’ host-plant spectrum, phenology and distribution. All nests were in thick bark pieces of Larix decidua, which lay in grassy vegetation on sun-exposed ground of open subalpine forests dominated by larch. The nests contained 1–26 brood cells constructed within one to several burrows tunneled out by the female bees with their specialized mandibles, which are distinctly stronger than those of related O. (Melanosmia) species known to nest in preexisting cavities or loose soil. The linearly arranged brood cells were separated from each other by three-layered partitions consisting of an interlayer of densely packed small bark particles sandwiched between two thin layers of chewed green leaves (“leaf pulp”). DNA metabarcoding of several nest plugs revealed that Potentilla (Rosaceae) and Helianthemum (Cistaceae) served as source of the leaf pulp. Anthrax anthrax (Bombyliidae) and Sapyga similis (Sapygidae) parasitized the brood cells of O. nigriventris as shown by DNA barcoding of prepupae overwintering in the host’s nests. O. nigriventris is mesolectic and harvests pollen almost exclusively on Fabaceae (e.g. Lotus, Hippocrepis), Ericaceae (Rhododendron, Vaccinium) and Cistaceae (Helianthemum). Depending on the altitude, O. nigriventris emerges from the beginning of May to the first decade of June and thus qualifies as an early flying bee active in spring and early summer similar to the other European O. (Melanosmia) species. It likely needs two years for its development in the subalpine zone of the Alps and overwinters as prepupa in the first and probably as imago in the second winter. O. nigriventris has a Holarctic distribution, its disjunct Palaearctic range encompasses the boreal zone from Scandinavia eastwards to the Russian Far East, the Caucausus, the Alps as well as scattered locations at lower altitudes throughout Central Europe, where it is regarded as a glacial relict and has probably suffered strong declines during the last decades.
Anthophila, Apiformes, dead wood, Euodynerus quadrifasciatus, larch-meadow forest, mandibular strength, Osmia leaiana, Pinus, pollen analysis, X-raying
The osmiine bees (Megachilidae) are famous for their often spectacular and highly diverse nesting biology (
In summer 2017, a female of Osmia leaiana (Kirby) was observed entering a small piece of bark of larch (Larix decidua Mill.) lying on the ground of a subalpine larch forest near Brienz (Grisons, Switzerland). The dissection of the bark piece revealed that the female of O. leaiana had built several brood cells within a preexisting burrow, which was part of a larger burrow system excavated by an unknown osmiine bee species probably the year before. The large size of the burrows, which measured about 7 mm in diameter, the composition of remnants of the last year’s larval provisions, which consisted of pollen of Hippocrepis and Lotus (both Fabaceae), and the presence of a dead specimen of the sapygid wasp Sapyga similis (Fabricius), which mainly parasitizes Osmia species of the subgenus Melanosmia (
Osmia nigriventris is a predominantly boreoalpine megachilid bee of 10–14 mm length (Figs
In summer 2017 and fall 2018, six sites in the Swiss Alps, where O. nigriventris was known to occur, were searched for its nests, i.e. Brienz/Grisons (46°40'25"N, 9°34'55"E, 1280 m a.s.l.; larch-meadow forest, Fig.
Habitats of Osmia nigriventris in the Swiss Alps. 1, 2) Larch-meadow forest near Brienz/Grisons with nesting site - a small piece of larch bark lying on the ground (left). 3) Larch-meadow forest near Schmitten/Grisons. 4) Open larch forest near Blatten (Lötschen)/Valais. 5) Windfall near Curaglia/Grisons. 6) Windfall near Pfäfers/St Gallen.
To identify the source of the nest building material used by O. nigriventris, DNA metabarcoding of nest plugs consisting of leaf pulp was performed by the ISO 9001:2008 certified and ISO 17025:2005 accredited laboratory of Eurofins Medigenomix GmbH (Ebersberg, Germany). DNA of a sample of 5 g plant material including nine walls of six nest plugs from Blatten (Lötschen)/Valais was extracted with the Maxwell 16 FFS nucleic acid extraction kit (Promega) following the manufacturer’s manual. From the extracted DNA, barcoding sequences of the nuclear marker ITS2 and the chloroplast marker trnL were PCR amplified using target specific next-generation sequencing primers and analysed by amplicon sequencing on the Illumina MiSeq platform. The amplified sequences were sorted into sequence sets according to their similarity, each represented by a master sequence. The master sequences were identified to species or genus level by comparing them with known plant sequences made available by the NCBI database.
To compare the female mandibular strength of O. nigriventris with that of eight related European Osmia species of the subgenus Melanosmia with differing nesting biologies, we adapted a biomechanical model used to estimate the mandibular strength of grasshoppers (
To identify brood parasites of O. nigriventris, DNA barcoding of 17 prepupae originating from five nests discovered near Blatten/Valais was performed. DNA was extracted with a “NucleoSpin Tissue” kit (Macherey-Nagel) following the manufacturer’s protocol. The 658 base-pair-long barcoding fragment of the mitochondrial gene Cytochrome Oxidase I was amplified using the primers LepF and LepR (
To assess the pollen host spectrum of O. nigriventris, the scopal pollen contents of 50 females from museum and private collections originating from 41 different localities distributed across the Alps and the larval provisions in four brood cells of three nests from two different localities were microscopically analysed. The methodology for pollen removal, manufacture of pollen samples, pollen identification and data evaluation follows
To clarify the phenology and distribution of O. nigriventris, we conducted a comprehensive literature survey, gathered unpublished records from public and private entomological collections and retrieved distributional data from several public databases. For details see Acknowledgments and Suppl. material
Nesting site
At three study sites – all open larch forests or larch-meadow forests (Figs
Characteristics of 19 nests of Osmia nigriventris discovered in 13 bark pieces of Larix decidua lying on the ground at three different localities in the Swiss Alps. GR = Grisons, VS = Valais; * = nest probably built by more than one female during one or several consecutive years; b = short blind burrow without cell, suggesting that the nest was not yet finalized.
Nesting site no | Locality | Year of discovery | Maximal length × maximal width × maximal thickness of bark piece | Nest no | Nest status upon discovery | Localization of nest entrance in lying piece of bark (side of bark) | Number of brood cells | Number of burrow fingers | Number of brood cells per burrow finger | Total length of the burrow system |
1 | Brienz/GR | 2017 | 29 × 13.5 × 7 cm | 1 | old | lateral (-) | 12 | 5 | 1/1/3/3/4 | 27.6 cm |
2 | Brienz/GR | 2017 | 31 × 28 × 5 cm | 2 | old | lateral (-) | 10 | 5 | 1/1/2/2/4 | 25.5 cm |
3 | Brienz/GR | 2017 | 40 × 20 × 6.5 cm | 3* | old | lateral (-) | 26 | 9+b | 1/2/2/2/3/3/4/4/5 | 67.5 cm |
4 | old | lateral (-) | 7 | 4 | 1/1/2/3 | 15.3 cm | ||||
5 | old | lateral (-) | 4 | 1 | 4 | 8.8 cm | ||||
4 | Brienz/GR | 2017 | 32 × 19 × 7 cm | 6 | old | lateral (-) | 8 | 3 | 2/3/3 | 17.8 cm |
7 | old | lateral (-) | 3 | 1 | 3 | 6.5 cm | ||||
5 | Brienz/GR | 2017 | 13 × 8.5 × 4.5 cm | 8 | old | lateral (-) | 2 | 1+b | 2 | 6.4 cm |
6 | Schmitten/GR | 2017 | 36.5 × 10.5 × 3 cm | 9 | old | above (exterior side) | 11 | 5 | 1/2/2/2/4 | 29.8 cm |
7 | Blatten (Lötschen)/VS | 2018 | 27 × 13.5 × 3.5 cm | 10 | old | lateral (-) | 1 | 1+b | 1 | 3.4 cm |
8 | Blatten (Lötschen)/VS | 2018 | 27 × 13 × 5 cm | 11 | old | lateral (-) | 7 | ? | ? | ? |
9 | Blatten (Lötschen)/VS | 2018 | 36 × 32 × 6 cm | 12 | old | above (exterior side) | 1 | 1+b | 1 | 6.5 cm |
13 | old | above (exterior side) | 6 | 3 | 1/1/4 | 11.9 cm | ||||
10 | Blatten (Lötschen)/VS | 2018 | 54 × 20.5 × 6.5 cm | 14 | occupied | above (interior side) | 2 | 1 | 2 | 6.7 cm |
15 | occupied | above (interior side) | 2 | 1 | 2 | 5.3 cm | ||||
11 | Blatten (Lötschen)/VS | 2018 | 51 × 29 × 3.5 cm | 16 | occupied | below (interior side) | 4 | 1 | 4 | 9.2 cm |
12 | Blatten (Lötschen)/VS | 2018 | 26 × 16 × 8 cm | 17 | occupied | lateral (-) | 3 | 1 | 3 | 6.0 cm |
18 | occupied | lateral (-) | 4 | 2 | 1/3 | 8.3 cm | ||||
13 | Blatten (Lötschen)/VS | 2018 | 73 × 34 × 6 cm | 19 | occupied | above (exterior side) | 4 | 2 | 1/3 | 9.5 cm |
Nest architecture of Osmia nigriventris. 7–9) Nest seals of nests 19, 16 and 18. 10) Five-layered nest plug of nest 18. 11) Single-layered nest plug of nest 17. 12) Ring-shaped threshold. 13, 14) Three-layered cell partitions. 15) Brood cells with larval provisions. 16) Brood cells with larval cocoons.
Nests of Osmia nigriventris. 17, 18) Nest 16 X-rayed (left) and dissected (right). 19, 20) Nest 18 X-rayed (left) and dissected (right). 21) Old nest 8 with short blind burrow on the right. 22–23) Old nests 2 and 6 later used by Euodynerus quadrifasciatus as nesting site. 24) Old nest 1 with brood cells of Osmia leaiana in the upper half and remnants of the old nest of O. nigriventris in the lower half.
Nest architecture
The 19 nests were all tunneled out by the female bees with no indication that preexisting burrows e.g. of cerambycid beetle larvae were used. The nesting burrows were carefully carved out and measured 6–7 mm in diameter. They were neither lined with glandular secretions nor with leaf pulp except for several small areas of few mm2 covered with a thin layer of leaf pulp, which was probably applied to smooth out irregularities or to fill small cracks. The nest entrances, which were circular in shape (Fig.
The nests consisted either of a single linear to curved burrow (n = 9; Figs
Three types of partitions were recorded in the nests of O. nigriventris: i) partitions that separate the brood cells from each other (“inner cell partitions”); ii) partitions that seal the outermost brood cell towards the nest entrance or a finger towards its mouth (“outer cell partitions”), and iii) partitions that close the nest at the entrance (“nest plug”). The inner cell partitions, which ranged in length from 4–12 mm, were invariably three-layered (n = 24; Figs
DNA metabarcoding revealed that the plugs of nests 14–19 were constructed from masticated leaves of Potentilla spec. (Rosaceae) and Helianthemum nummularium (Cistaceae) (Tab.
Origin of the masticated green leaves used by Osmia nigriventris to build the nest plugs based on DNA metabarcoding of a sample of nine walls from nests 14–19 (see Tab.
Plant taxon | % sequence reads |
Potentilla spec. (Rosaceae) | 76.3 |
Helianthemum nummularium (Cistaceae) | 22.5 |
Lotus corniculatus (Fabaceae) | 1.2 |
Female mandibular strength
The assessment of the mandibular strength revealed a low intraspecific variability indicating that the shape and the force of the female mandibles are species-specific traits (Suppl. material
Mandibular strength of nine European Osmia subgenus Melanosmia. For each species, the force of the right mandible of three females was averaged except for O. alticola, O. maritima and O. steinmanni, for which only one or two specimens were available. Orange = nesting in self-excavated burrows in wooden substrate, green = nesting in preexisting cavities, blue = nesting in loose soil or litter, grey = nesting unknown (after
Brood parasites
The obtained sequences of the barcoding gene Cytochrome Oxidase I were all clean and readable. Comparison with BOLD databases indicate that 13 out of the 17 overwintering prepupae belong to O. nigriventris, whereas two prepupae each from the nests 15 and 19 were brood parasites, i.e. three specimens of the bombyliid fly Anthrax anthrax (Schrank) and one specimen of the sapygid wasp Sapyga similis (Fabricius). From the latter species, a dead imago was also found in a brood cell of nest 1. The percentage of match between the barcoding sequences of the 17 prepupae and the BOLD reference sequences exceeded 99% in all cases.
Osmia nigriventris collected the pollen almost exclusively from flowers of Fabaceae, Ericaceae and Cistaceae (Tab.
Pollen composition of female pollen loads of Osmia nigriventris. n = total number of pollen loads, N = number of pollen loads from different localities. Countries: CH = Switzerland, F = France. Plant families: BOR = Boraginaceae, CIS = Cistaceae, FAB = Fabaceae, ERI = Ericaceae. Definitions of bee host range after Müller and Kuhlmann (2008).
n | N | Origin (and number) of pollen loads | % pollen grain volume (number of loads) | Preferred host | % pollen grain volume of preferred host | % pure loads of preferred host | % loads with preferred host | Host range |
50 | 41 | CH (48), F (2) | FAB (Lotus) 55.8% (42), FAB (Hippocrepis) 5.4% (7), FAB (Anthyllis) 1.6% (3), FAB (Trifolium) 1.2% (3), FAB (Vicia/Lathyrus) 0.5% (2), ERI (Rhododendron) 18.1% (10), ERI (Vaccinium) 8.5% (7), CIS (Helianthemum) 5.6% (5), GEN (Gentiana) 2.1% (1), BOR (Echium) 0.9% (1), unknown 0.3% (2) | Fabaceae, Ericaceae and Helianthemum (Cistaceae) | 96.7% | 96.0% | 100% | mesolectic on Fabaceae, Ericaceae and Helianthemum (Cistaceae) |
The larval provisions of four brood cells originating from three nests contained only pollen of Fabaceae and Ericaceae (Tab.
Pollen composition of larval provisions in four brood cells of Osmia nigriventris from three nests.
Locality | Nest no | Brood cell no | Fabaceae: Lotus | Fabaceae: Hippocrepis | Ericaceae |
Brienz/GR | nest 3 | brood cell | 95% | 5% | |
Blatten (Lötschen)/VS | nest 13 | brood cell | 70% | 5% | 25% |
Blatten (Lötschen)/VS | nest 14 | brood cell 1 | 50% | 5% | 45% |
brood cell 2 | 80% | 20% | |||
73.75% | 3.75% | 22.5% |
In Central Europe, the imaginal period of O. nigriventris extends from May to August (Fig.
X-raying of the nests 14–19 performed in November 2018 revealed that 13 out of the 19 brood cells contained prepupae of O. nigriventris spun in a cocoon (Figs
In one brood cell each of three abandoned nests, the adult bee had left its cocoon in spite of the fact that the cell partitions were still intact, suggesting that the imagines occasionally leave their natal nest through a new burrow gnawed across the bark rather than through the nest entrance.
O. nigriventris has a vast Holarctic distribution (Figs
Distribution of Osmia nigriventris in 32) the Palaearctic, 33) the Nearctic and 34) Central Europe. For Central Europe, records before 2000 are given in black, those from 2000 to the present in yellow. See Suppl. material
At three different localities in the Grisons and the Valais, numerous nests of Osmia nigriventris were discovered, which were all constructed in thick bark pieces of Larix decidua lying on sun-exposed ground of open subalpine forests. Nests of O. nigriventris were also detected by
Among the osmiine bees, bark appears to be only exceptionally used as nesting substrate. Apart from O. nigriventris, reports for nesting in bark exist only for the Palaearctic species O. uncinata Gerstaecker and the three Nearctic species O. atriventris Cresson, O. densa Cresson and O. cahuilla Cooper, all belonging to the subgenus Melanosmia. The first three species differ from O. nigriventris in that they colonized already existing beetle burrows in bark and also use preexisting linear cavities in other substrates, such as dead wood or stems (
The inner cell partitions, which consist of an interlayer of bark particles sandwiched between two thin layers of leaf pulp, are diagnostic for the nests of O. nigriventris. Doubtlessly, the interlayer is constructed by amassing bark particles that accumulated within the burrow during the process of nest excavation. Among the osmiine bees, which usually separate linearly arranged brood cells by one-layered walls, such three-layered cell partitions are otherwise known only from the Palaearctic Hoplitis tuberculata Nylander and its North American relatives (
The mandibles of O. nigriventris and O. pilicornis turned out to be the strongest among the European O. (Melanosmia) species. This finding corresponds well to the habit of both species to tunnel out their nests in hard wooden substrate and supports the view that both species are specialized excavators and do not colonize preexisting cavities for nesting, such as insect borings in dead wood. Such a specialization also explains why the repeated attempts to establish these two species in trap nests composed of drilled borings in dead wood all have failed (A. Müller and R. Prosi, unpublished data).
Anthrax anthrax (Bombyliidae) and Sapyga similis (Sapygidae) were recorded as brood parasites of O. nigriventris in the present study. Most species of Anthrax are ectoparasitoids of above-ground nesting aculeate Hymenoptera attacking the full-grown larvae of their hosts (
Microscopic analysis of both female pollen loads and larval provisions revealed that Osmia nigriventris is mesolectic, restricting pollen harvesting almost exclusively to flowers of Fabaceae, Ericaceae and to a lesser extent Helianthemum (Cistaceae). Known pollen host species are Lotus corniculatus L. and Hippocrepis comosa L. among the Fabaceae, Rhododendron ferrugineum L., R. hirsutum L., Vaccinium myrtillus L. and V. vitis-idaea L. among the Ericaceae and Helianthemum nummularium (L.) Mill. among the Cistaceae (
The pollen host spectrum of O. nigriventris is similar to that of other predominantly alpine Osmia (Melanosmia) species, for which pollen of Fabaceae also plays a crucial role for larval development (
Similar to the other European Osmia subgenus Melanosmia, which are early flying bees active in spring and early summer (
O. nigriventris belongs to the few bee species that have an autochthonous Holarctic distribution (
The nesting biology of O. nigriventris is exceptional among the osmiine bees in that the females excavate their nests in wooden substrate, preferentially in thick bark of Larix and Pinus, which either lies on the ground or adheres to dead tree stumps. The finding that five out of 13 bark pieces used as nesting sites contained two or more nests and that at least one nest was most probably owned by several females suggests that suitable bark might be a limiting resource for O. nigriventris in the Alps. In fact, the search for nests of O. nigriventris in the course of the present study revealed that bark pieces of thick-barked conifers lying on the ground are rare by nature and - moreover - are often removed by the farmers from the floor of grazed forests, such as larch-meadow forests. Given the rarity of O. nigriventris throughout the Alpine arc and its supposed decline at low and mid altitude due to climate warming, we urge land owners, foresters, farmers and local authorities to leave sufficient amounts of thick bark on the ground of open subalpine larch and pine forests.
F. Amiet, F. Burger, A.W. Ebmer, F. Gusenleitner, T. Levchenko, W.-H. Liebig, J. Neumayer, M. Proshchalykin, C. Saure, E. Scheuchl, C. Schmid-Egger, S. Schmidt, R.F. Tannert, J. Voith, P. Westrich and H. Wiesbauer provided information on distribution and biology of Osmia nigriventris. F. Amiet, H. Baur (Natural History Museum Bern), M. Bur, R. Eastwood (ETH Zurich), M. Schwarz (Biologiezentrum Linz) and S. Liersch (Bündner Naturmuseum Chur) allowed removal of pollen from collected specimens. B. Wermelinger provided information on resin-based defenses in conifers. S. Kühne and H. Wiesbauer provided photos of female specimens. C. Pitteloud shared her experience in measuring insect mandibles. H. Baur (Natural History Museum Bern) provided access to a digital imaging system for taking photomicrographs of the female mandibles. J. Traine (Centre Suisse de Cartographie de la Faune Neuchâtel) performed the laboratory work for DNA barcoding. The Wildbienen-Kataster Baden-Württemberg, the Bayerisches Landesamt für Umwelt/Artenschutzkartierung Bayern, the Centre Suisse de Cartographie de la Faune (CSCF), the ZOBODAT database of the Biologiezentrum Linz and the Global Biodiversity Information Facility database (GBIF Occurrence Download, 5th February 2019) provided distributional data. R. Neumeyer, C. Rasmussen and M. Rightmyer reviewed the manuscript.
Biomechanical model used to compare the mandibular strength among Osmia subgenus Melanosmia
Data type: PDF file
Mandibular strength of nine European Osmia subgenus Melanosmia
Data type: PDF file
List of distributional data of Osmia nigriventris
Data type: XLS file