Research Article |
Corresponding author: Andreas Müller ( ) Academic editor: Jessica Litman
© 2018 Andreas Müller, Henning Richter.
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Müller A, Richter H (2018) Dual function of Potentilla (Rosaceae) in the life history of the rare boreoalpine osmiine bee Hoplitis (Formicapis) robusta (Hymenoptera, Megachilidae). Alpine Entomology 2: 139-147.
Hoplitis robusta (Nylander) is a rare and poorly known osmiine bee species occurring in the subalpine zone of the Alps. The discovery of two nests of H. robusta in a thin branch of a dead fallen spruce on a sunny clearing of a subalpine spruce forest allowed the investigation of the nest architecture, the analysis of the larval diet and the assessment of the nest building material. X-raying, computed tomography and subsequent dissection of the nest branch revealed that the nests were built in L-shaped pupation tunnels of cerambycid beetles, which were probably cleaned from wood debris by the female bees with the aid of their large and powerful mandibles after nest site selection. The two nests contained five and six linearly arranged brood cells separated from each other by thin partitions built from masticated green leaves (“leaf pulp”). They were sealed at their opening by a thick plug consisting of several successive layers of leaf pulp constructed immediately behind each other. Microscopical analysis of the larval provisions of eight brood cells and of 41 pollen loads of females from museum and private collections showed that H. robusta exhibits a strong preference for the pollen of Potentilla (Rosaceae). Based on field observations, DNA metabarcoding of one nest plug and stereomicroscopic analysis of the leaf pulp matrix, Potentilla was also identified as an important source for the leaf pulp needed for nest construction, rendering H. robusta one of the few bee species known to collect floral resources and nest building material from the very same plant.
Hoplitis robusta (Nylander) ist eine seltene und erst unzureichend erforschte Bienenart aus der Verwandtschaft der Mauerbienen (Osmiini). Sie kommt bei uns ausschliesslich in der subalpinen Stufe der Alpen vor. Die zufällige Entdeckung von zwei Nestern, welche sich in einem dünnen Ast einer umgestürzten toten Fichte auf einer sonnigen Lichtung eines subalpinen Fichtenwaldes befanden, ermöglichte die Analyse der Nestarchitektur, der Larvenvorräte und des Nestbaumaterials. Die Untersuchung des besiedelten Astes durch Röntgen, Computertomographie und anschliessende Präparation ergab, dass beide Nester in Hakengängen von Bockkäfern (Cerambycidae) angelegt worden waren, welche die Weibchen mit Hilfe ihrer ausgesprochen kräftigen Mandibeln wahrscheinlich vorgängig gesäubert hatten. Die zwei Nester enthielten fünf bzw. sechs linienförmig hintereinander angelegte Brutzellen, die durch dünne Wände aus zerkauten Laubblättern («Pflanzenmörtel») voneinander getrennt waren. Die Nester wurden an ihrer Öffnung mit einem dicken Propfen verschlossen, der aus mehreren direkt hintereinander liegenden Wänden aus Pflanzenmörtel gebaut wurde. Die lichtmikroskopische Analyse der Larvenvorräte in acht Brutzellen sowie der Pollenladungen von 41 Weibchen aus Museums- und Privatsammlungen ergab, dass H. robusta den Pollen hauptsächlich auf Fingerkraut (Potentilla) sammelt. Mehrere Beobachtungen von Nestbaumaterial sammelnden Weibchen, die genetische Analyse eines Nestverschlusses und die Untersuchung des Nestbaumaterials unter dem Binokular ergaben, dass Potentilla auch eine sehr wichtige Pflanzenmörtelquelle ist. Damit gehört H. robusta zu den wenigen bisher bekannten Bienenarten, welche sowohl den Pollen als auch das Nestbaumaterial auf den gleichen Pflanzen sammeln.
Apiformes , beetle, burrows, dead wood, Fragaria , Helianthemum , mandibles, pollen analysis, Potentilla erecta
Bees depend on several types of resources for their reproduction (
Hoplitis robusta is a holarctic megachilid bee species of 6–9 mm length distributed in the boreal zone across Europe, Asia and North America with outposts in mountainous regions of the western USA and the Alps (
The biology of Hoplitis robusta is only fragmentarily known, which is likely due to the species’ rare and scattered occurrence throughout the Alpine arc. Based on observations of individuals flying around dead spruces and wooden fences, H. robusta was assumed to nest in insect burrows in dead wood (
Numerous attempts to find nests of Hoplitis robusta in the Swiss Alps during the past decade – including the repeated exposure of bundles of hollow bamboo stems that imitated insect burrows in dead wood – failed. In Summer 2018, however, a female of H. robusta was by chance observed sealing her nest in a branch of a dead spruce. X-raying of the branch revealed the existence of a second nest of a different female within the same branch. The discovery of these first truly natural nests of H. robusta allowed the investigation of the nest architecture, the assessment of the nest building material and the analysis of the larval diet and prompted the analysis of additional female pollen loads, all aiming at getting a more complete picture of the life history of this rare and enigmatic alpine bee species.
The nests of Hoplitis robusta were discovered in the Calfeisen valley near St. Martin/St Gallen (46°55.455N, 9°21.305E) at an elevation of 1520 m a.s.l. on 27.6.2018. The nest branch was sawed off at its base and brought to the Animal Hospital of the University of Zurich, where it was X-rayed using a Bucky Diagnost CS/TH X-Ray (Philips) combined with a Profect CS Mammo-Reader (Fujifilm). In addition, the two nests were examined by computed tomography (CT) using a 16-slice CT Brilliance scanner (Philips). Following the X-ray and CT-examination, which enabled the exact localization of the nests within the branch, the nests were dissected with the aid of a smoothing plane and a pocket knife to analyse their architecture and the nest contents.
The pollen host spectrum of Hoplitis robusta was assessed by microscopic analysis of the scopal pollen contents of 41 females from museum and private collections originating from 27 different localities distributed across the Alps and from three different localities in Finland. The pollen samples from the Alps (n = 15) analysed by
To assess the source of the nest building material, DNA metabarcoding of the two nest plugs consisting of masticated green leaves (= “leaf pulp”) was performed by the ISO 9001:2008 certified and ISO 17025:2005 accredited laboratory of Eurofins Medigenomix GmbH (Ebersberg, Germany). DNA of 1g plant material from each nest plug was extracted with the Maxwell 16 FFS nucleic acid extraction kit (Promega) following the manufacturer’s manual. From the extracted DNA, barcoding sequences of the nuclear marker ITS2 and the chloroplast marker trnL were PCR amplified using target specific next-generation sequencing primers and analysed by amplicon sequencing on the Illumina MiSeq platform. For unknown reasons, the extraction of amplifiable DNA from the plug of nest 1 failed. The amplified sequences from the plug of nest 2 were sorted into sequence sets according to their similarity, each represented by a master sequence. The master sequences were identified to species or genus level by comparing them with known plant sequences made available by the NCBI database. We refrained from performing metabarcoding of the cell partitions as they were heavily contaminated with pollen of the larval provisions. Instead, the leaf pulp matrix of all cell partitions and the outermost partition of the plug of nest 1, which was still available after the unsuccessful DNA amplification (see above), was stereomicroscopically examined at a magnification of 40× and compared with the leave indument of plant species collected in a radius of 15 m around the nesting site on 16.9.2018.
Data on flower visits and sources of nest building material are based on field observations in the Swiss Alps near Visperterminen/Valais (46°15.00N, 7°55.50E), St. Martin/St Gallen (46°55.50N, 9°21.30E), Curaglia/Grisons (46°40.25N, 8°50.10E), Sedrun/Grisons (46°41.20N, 8°47.50E), Sent/Grisons (46°48.55N, 10°21.10E) and Vals/Grisons (46°36.90N, 9°11.80E) from 2010 to 2018. A “flower visit” is defined as one continuous observation of a single female irrespective of the number of flowers she visited.
The two nests of Hoplitis robusta were found on a sunny clearing of a subalpine spruce forest (Fig.
The two nests contained six and five linearly arranged brood cells all situated in the straight horizontal part of the L-shaped tunnel (Figs
Both nests were sealed by a thick nest plug exclusively constructed from leaf pulp (Figs
Hoplitis robusta harvested the pollen of five plant families (Tab.
Hoplitis robusta. 1) Female collecting pollen and nectar on Potentilla erecta. 2) Head of female. 3) Nesting habitat in the Calfeisen valley near St. Martin (St Gallen). 4) Dead fallen spruce (Picea abies) with nesting branch marked with red arrow. 5) Nesting branch with nest entrances marked with red arrows.
Hoplitis robusta. 6) X-ray of nest branch with nest 1 (left) and nest 2 (right). 7, 8) Nest seal of nest 1 (left) and nest 2 (right) consisting of leaf pulp. 9, 10) Dissected nest 1 with six brood cells (left) and nest 2 with five brood cells (right) in L-shaped pupation tunnels of cerambycid beetles. 11) Close-up view of brood cells in nest 1. 12, 13) Nest plug of nest 1 (left) and nest 2 (right), each consisting of several successive partitions of leaf pulp.
Pollen composition of female pollen loads of Hoplitis robusta. n = total number of pollen loads, N = number of pollen loads from different localities. Countries: A = Austria, CH = Switzerland, FIN = Finland. Plant families: AST = Asteraceae, CIS = Cistaceae, FAB = Fabaceae, RAN = Ranunculaceae, ROS = Rosaceae. Definition of bee host range after
n | N | Origin (and number) of pollen loads | % pollen grain volume (number of loads) | Preferred host | % pollen grain volume of preferred host | % pure loads of preferred host | % loads with preferred host | Host range |
41 | 30 | A (2), CH (35), FIN (4) | ROS (Potentilla) 77.1% (37), ROS (Rubus) 1.4% (1), CIS (Helianthemum) 13.6% (9), FAB (Medicago) 3.2% (1), FAB (Lotus) 0.3% (1), AST (Cichorioideae) 1.8% (3), RAN (Ranunculus) 1.6% (4), unknown 1% (3) | Potentilla | 77.1% | 63.4% | 90.2% | polylectic (5 plant families) with strong preference for Potentilla (Rosaceae) |
Pollen composition of larval provisions in eight brood cells of Hoplitis robusta from two nests owned by different females; in brood cells 1–3 of nest 2, the larvae had already devoured all provisions.
Potentilla | Helianthemum | ||
nest 1 | brood cell 1 | 90% | 10% |
brood cell 2 | 100% | ||
brood cell 3 | 100% | ||
brood cell 4 | 90% | 10% | |
brood cell 5 | 100% | ||
brood cell 6 | 100% | ||
nest 2 | brood cell 4 | 100% | |
brood cell 5 | 100% | ||
total | 97.5% | 2.5% |
Origin of the masticated green leaves used by Hoplitis robusta to build the plug of nest 2 based on DNA metabarcoding.
Plant taxon | % sequence reads |
Fragaria vesca (Rosaceae) | 50.9 |
Potentilla erecta (Rosaceae) | 43.6 |
Alchemilla spec. (Rosaceae) | 5.5 |
Pollen collecting females worked the Potentilla flowers in a rapid and efficient way (Fig.
Four females of Hoplitis robusta were observed in the Grisons near Sedrun on 1.8.2013, near Sent on 5.7.2016 and near Curaglia on 29.6.2018 harvesting material for nest construction from green leaves of Potentilla erecta. DNA metabarcoding revealed that the plug of nest 2 was constructed from masticated leaves of three rosaceous herb species including Potentilla erecta (Tab.
14) Leaf of Potentilla erecta. 15) Close-up view of leaf of Potentilla erecta with indumental hairs along the leaf margins and on the leaf surface. 16) Leaf pulp matrix of uppermost partition of the plug of nest 1 with numerous indumental hairs possibly originating from Potentilla and/or Fragaria.
The nest architecture of the two nests of Hoplitis robusta from the Swiss Alps corresponds well with that of nests found in drilled borings of artificial trap nest blocks in the Rocky Mountains/USA (
Females of Hoplitis robusta possess unusually large and powerful mandibles (Fig.
The composition of the female scopal loads, the pollen content of the brood cells, field observations of flower visiting females and the highly efficient pollen collecting behaviour all suggest that Hoplitis robusta is strongly dependent on Potentilla (Rosaceae) for its reproduction. Since the pollen of Potentilla could not reliably be distinguished from that of Fragaria by the method used in the present study (see Methods), it cannot be excluded that H. robusta occasionally also exploits flowers of Fragaria vesca. However, as the flowering period of F. vesca and the flight period of H. robusta at most marginally overlap, Fragaria is not expected to be a regular pollen host of H. robusta in the Alps. A preference for the pollen of herbaceous Rosaceae has also been recorded for eastern Asian Hoplitis species of the subgenus Formicapis: H. maritima is oligolectic on Fragaria and Potentilla (
The larval provision of a single brood cell of Hoplitis robusta from the Rocky Mountains/USA contained pollen possibly from a legume, such as Astragalus or Trifolium (
The use of green leaves of Potentilla erecta as nest building material by Hoplitis robusta is documented both by field observations and DNA metabarcoding and is also suggested by the stereomicroscopic analysis of the leaf pulp matrix, clearly indicating that Potentilla leaves play an important role for the construction of cell partitions and nest plugs in H. robusta. However, Potentilla was not the exclusive source, two other rosaceous herbs were also confirmed as suppliers of nest building material, i.e. Fragaria vesca and possibly to a lesser and only marginal degree Alchemilla spec. The fact that these three taxa all belong to the Rosaceae is surprising and suggests that the selection of leaves for manufacturing leaf pulp is far from accidental and that the leaves of Rosaceae species might possess particularly favourable properties as nest building material. In fact, eight Central European osmiine bee species belonging to two genera and six subgenera were recorded to harvest leaf material for nest construction from rosaceous genera, such as Fragaria, Potentilla, Rosa and/or Sanguisorba, i.e. Hoplitis (Alcidamea) claviventris (Thomson), Osmia (Erythrosmia) andrenoides Spinola, O. (Helicosmia) aurulenta (Panzer), O. (Helicosmia) leaiana (Kirby), O. (Hoplosmia) spinulosa (Kirby), O. (Melanosmia) parietina Curtis, O. (Melanosmia) pilicornis Smith and O. (Neosmia) bicolor (Schrank) (
Among the Central European megachild bees, Hoplitis robusta is an exception in that it harvests floral resources and nest building material from the very same plant taxon, i.e. Potentilla. Though the dependence on Potentilla is not complete, neither for collecting floral resources nor for harvesting nest building material, Potentilla plays a key role in the life history of H. robusta. The findings of the present study suggest that large stands of Potentilla erecta in close neighbourhood to sun-exposed dead wood fulfill all requirements for population survival of H. robusta in the subalpine zone of the Alps. Pollen of Potentilla is also crucial for the reproduction of other alpine bee species. Andrena tarsata Nylander and Panurginus herzi Morawitz are strictly specialized on Potentilla, while in several polylectic species, such as Andrena amieti Praz, Müller & Genoud, Andrena coitana (Kirby) or Panurginus montanus Giraud, pollen of Potentilla often represents a considerable proportion of the collected pollen (
We gratefully acknowledge the help of the following colleagues who generously permitted pollen removal from Hoplitis robusta specimens of their collections or under their curation: F. Amiet (Solothurn), H. Baur (Naturhistorisches Museum Bern), R. Eastwood (ETH Zürich), K. Hirt (Menziken), A. Freitag (Musée de Zoologie Lausanne), F. Gusenleitner and M. Schwarz (Biologiezentrum Linz) and S. Liersch (Bündner Naturmuseum Chur). B. Wermelinger (WSL Birmensdorf) and U. Bense (Mössingen) provided information on the biology of Cerambycidae. J. Cane (Utah State University) made a still unpublished manuscript on the leaf pulp sources of Osmia bruneri available to us. T. Janke (Eurofins, Ebersberg) provided technical information on metabarcoding. B. Wermelinger kindly provided the photo of figure 17. Comments by Jack Neff, Stefan Dötterl and Jessica Litman improved the manuscript.
Computed tomography (CT) movie of nest 1 of Hoplitis robusta
Computed tomography (CT) movie of nest 2 of Hoplitis robusta