Research Article |
Corresponding author: Matthieu Aubert ( ) Academic editor: Stefan Dötterl
© 2024 Matthieu Aubert, Andreas Müller, Christophe Praz.
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Aubert M, Müller A, Praz C (2024) A new osmiine bee with a spectacular geographic disjunction: Hoplitis (Hoplitis) onosmaevae sp. nov. (Hymenoptera, Anthophila, Megachilidae). Alpine Entomology 8: 65-79.
A new osmiine bee species, Hoplitis (Hoplitis) onosmaevae sp. nov. (Megachilidae), is described. So far, this species is exclusively known from the Mercantour National Park in the southwestern French Alps and from mountainous ranges in Turkey and northern Iraq, two areas separated by at least 2000 km. Phylogenetic analyses based on mitochondrial and nuclear genes revealed that H. onosmaevae is closely related to H. adunca (Panzer, 1798), H. benoisti (Alfken, 1935) and H. manicata (Morice, 1901). Hoplitis onosmaevae is presumably narrowly oligolectic and harvests pollen only on flowers of Onosma L. (Boraginaceae). It has a particularly long proboscis, which is probably an adaptation to collect nectar from the long-tubed flowers of this plant genus. The females collect pollen by buzzing the Onosma flowers, a rare behavior in megachilid bees. The species nests in insect burrows in dead wood, similar to H. adunca and H. manicata but unlike other closely related representatives of the subgenus Hoplitis, suggesting a single origin of nesting in dead wood and hollow stems in this lineage. In France, H. onosmaevae inhabits alpine steppe-like habitats close to forests and appears to be extremely local, since only two populations are currently known. The conservation status of this extremely rare bee species in Europe is discussed.
Une nouvelle espèce d’abeille appartenant à la tribu des Osmiini, Hoplitis onosmaevae sp. nov. (Megachilidae), est décrite. Elle est à ce jour connue du Parc national du Mercantour dans le Sud des Alpes françaises et de zones montagneuses de Turquie et du Nord de l’Irak, deux aires distantes de plus de 2000 km. Des analyses phylogénétiques de gènes mitochondriaux et nucléaires indiquent que cette nouvelle espèce est apparentée à H. adunca (Panzer, 1798), H. benoisti (Alfken, 1935) et H. manicata (Morice, 1901). Hoplitis onosmaevae est certainement oligolectique, spécialisée pour la récolte du pollen sur les fleurs d’Onosma L (Boraginaceae). Elle est caractérisée notamment par un proboscis très allongé, qui est probablement une adaptation à la collecte du nectar dans les fleurs de ce genre botanique. Les femelles en exploitent le pollen en les faisant vibrer («buzzing»), comportement rare au sein de la famille des Megachilidae. Il a été observé que cette nouvelle espèce nidifie dans des galeries existantes dans le bois mort, à l’instar de H. adunca et de H. manicata, mais contrairement à d’autres représentants du sous-genre Hoplitis, ce qui suggère une origine unique de l’emploi du bois mort et des tiges creuses en tant que substrat de nidification au sein de ce groupe. En France, H. onosmaevae semble extrêmement localisée : elle n’a été trouvée que sur deux stations, correspondant à des habitats d’altitude d’affinité steppique, non loin de boisements. Son statut de conservation en Europe est discuté.
Anthophila, Apiformes, Hoplitis, Onosma, osmiine bees, buzzing, conservation, France, Iraq, Turkey
Hoplitis Klug, 1807 is the most diverse genus of the bee tribe Osmiini (Megachilidae) with 389 described species, about 80% of which occur in the Palaearctic (
Species of the subgenus Hoplitis are mostly oligolectic or mesolectic and collect the pollen either only on Boraginaceae or Fabaceae or on both of them. The pattern of frequent transitions between the exploitation of these two plant families among related species and the frequent exploitation of both families by the same species has been referred to as the “Boraginaceae-Fabaceae paradox” (
We describe here a new Hoplitis species of the adunca group. This new species was detected during faunistic inventories of the Mercantour National Park in the Alps in southern France. Upon morphological comparison, the French specimens were found to exactly correspond to specimens of an undescribed species from southern Turkey. In the present publication, this new species is morphologically diagnosed, its phylogenetic position within the subgenus Hoplitis is explored using genetic analyses, and its nesting biology and floral association are described based on field observations in southern France and microscopical analysis of pollen contained in the female scopae.
FL1, FL2,... flagellar segment 1, flagellar segment 2… (following scape and pedicel);
T1, T2,... first metasomal tergum, second metasomal tergum...;
S1, S2,... first metasomal sternum, second metasomal sternum…;
MAC Private collection of Matthieu Aubert, Pégairolles-de-Buèges, France;
The following material was examined for this study: 1. males and females of the undescribed species from Mercantour National Park, France, from southern and eastern Turkey and northern Iraq; 2. males and females of Hoplitis holmboei (Mavromoustakis, 1948), H. homalocera Zanden, 1991, and H. linguaria (Morawitz, 1875), which are Boraginaceae specialists and also possess a very long proboscis (
Morphological and anatomical terminology is based on
Morphological examination of specimens was done with a Perfex Sc 6.38 binocular (7× to 45× magnification). Measurements were realized with a micrometric eyepiece. All pictures of collected and prepared specimens were taken with a Keyence VHX 1000 digital microscope. A reflex body Nikon D7200 combined with a macro lens Nikkor 60 mm were used for field photographs.
French collecting sites were georeferenced using a field GPS. Turkish and Iraqi specimens were collected by different entomologists between 1968 and 2022 (see list of paratypes below and Suppl. material
Pollen was removed from the metasomal scopa of five females from France (one specimen) and three localities in Turkey (four specimens) as well as from two brood cells of a nest discovered in France, embedded in glycerol gelatine on a slide and compared with reference slides containing pollen of different Boraginaceae species and genera under a microscope at 400× magnification.
For two individuals of the new species collected in Saint-Dalmas-le-Selvage, France, in 2020 (see list of paratypes below), we sequenced four gene fragments included in the phylogenetic study of
Field work during summer 2018 in the Mercantour National Park on flowers of Onosma tricerosperma subsp. fastigiata (Braun-Blanq.) G. López, 1994 (Boraginaceae) by the first author led to the capture of several Hoplitis specimens of the adunca species group, which were characterized by an extraordinarily long proboscis, a feature not known from other French or Central European species. Upon closer examination, these specimens were found to belong to an undescribed species, which was already known from southern Turkey. Other Hoplitis species with a very long proboscis, such as H. holmboei from Cyprus, H. homalocera from the Levant and H. linguaria from eastern Turkey and the Caucasus, differed morphologically, as did H. semilinguaria from Iran based on the original description.
The two COI sequences obtained for the two French individuals of the new species were identical to each other. Queries carried out with the identification tool of the BOLD systems ( suggested that the closest relatives are Hoplitis adunca (89.86–90.48% identity), H. benoisti (Alfken, 1935) (89.35–89.71%) and H. manicata (85.68–86.42%). Based on COI, the genetic distances between the new species and H. adunca, H. benoisti and H. manicata were 10.98%, 11.05% and 14.9%, respectively.
Phylogenetic analyses of the concatenated, four-genes dataset placed the new species in a strongly supported clade (Bootstrap support, hereafter BS, 100%) that also included H. adunca, H. benoisti and H. manicata (Fig.
Phylogenetic tree based on maximum likelihood analyses of sequence data of the mitochondrial gene COI and of the three nuclear genes conserved ATPase domain (CAD), elongation factor 1-alpha (EF) and long-wavelength rhodopsin (Opsin). Numbers above branches: statistical support based on 1000 bootstrap replicates (values below 50 are omitted) in the analysis with 4 partitions (by gene); number below branches: support in analysis with 7 partitions (by codon position; a hyphen under a node indicates that this node was not recovered in the analysis); the topology is from the analysis with 4 partitions.
Holotype. France • ♀; Alpes-Maritimes, Tinée Valley, Saint-Etienne-de-Tinée, across from Bousiéyas, southern slopes of L’Alpe Mountain (type locality part of Mercantour National Park); 44.315°N, 6.859°E; 1985 m; 13.7.2018; Matthieu Aubert leg.; Onosma stand;
Paratypes. France (2♀, 3♂) • 1♀, 1♂; same data as for holotype;
See Suppl. material
In most species of Hoplitis (Hoplitis), the length of the proboscis is at most one-third as long as the body. Only H. linguaria, H. holmboei, H. homalocera and H. semilinguaria have a longer proboscis, which reaches about half of the body length. Hoplitis onosmaevae possesses an even longer proboscis, which is approximately as long as the body (Fig.
Hoplitis onosmaevae can be separated from the common species H. adunca, which is similar in size and also has thickened marginal rims and a medioapical spine on female S6, by the yellowish-brown hind tibial spurs (Fig.
Female (habitus: Figs
Integument color. Cuticula generally black, except where indicated hereafter. Proboscis brown, glossa orange. Cuticula reddish-brown laterally along apical margin of clypeus and more or less along margin of sternites and tergites, on internal surface of femora, apical part of leg segments, especially last tarsi and claws. All tibial spurs yellowish-brown to orange. Tegulae dark brown, external margin often reddish brown. Wing venation dark brown. Eyes grey-brown in the field. Vestiture color. Generally white, including scopa, except where indicated hereafter. Hairs slightly darker, greyish brown, on scutum. Some hairs along apical margin of clypeus and on tergal discs yellowish white. Hairs on internal surface of tibiae and tarsi, on basal part of femora and apical half of trochanters yellowish-orange.
Head. Vertex strongly elevated and tilted forward when seen in front or 3/4 view. Ocelloccipital distance approximately equal to three ocellar diameters (Fig.
Mesosoma. Pronotum weakly shagreened with shallow punctation, but shiny. Mesepisternum (except ventral part), scutum and scutellum shiny, densely and relatively strongly punctate, interspaces well visible, up to 2 to 3 punctures diameters on central part of scutum. Mesepisternal concavity shiny with sparse punctation. Axillae shagreened, densely and finely punctate. Metanotum shiny with distinct punctation. Metepisternum weakly shagreened but shiny. Propodeal triangle nearly entirely shagreened, shiny in its lower part; propodeal posteriorly nearly impunctate around propodeal pit, more densely punctate laterally; sides of propodeum densely and finely punctate (Fig.
Metasoma. T1 smooth and shiny, unpunctured on vertical part, disk with regular, sparse punctation (interspaces up to 4 puncture diameters), punctation denser and finer toward the margin. T2–3 similar to T1, but impressed basally, punctation sparser on T2 than on T1, becoming even sparser on T3. T4 similar to T3, slightly more shagreened, punctation rugose. T5–6 shagreened, punctation denser and more rugose than on T4. All terga with a thin impunctate margin, impunctate margin larger on T6. In fresh specimens, T1–4 laterally with long erect white hairs, hairs on T1 as long as those on scutellum; T1–4 with white, interrupted apical fasciae, T5 with continuous apical fasciae, T6 with decumbent, light hairs. S1–6 shiny but slightly shagreened with moderately dense (2 to 3 puncture diameters), rugose punctation, their margin impunctate. S6 laterally with a thickened rim, rim interrupted before apex; apex pointed (Fig.
Male (habitus: Figs
Integument color. As in ♀ except when mentioned below. Eyes grey-green in the field. Vestiture color. Predominantly brown-orange in fresh specimens, fading to yellowish to greyish white.
Head. Vertex as in ♀. Inner orbital edges slightly diverging below (less so than in ♀). Clypeus protruding, apical margin denticulate, but less regularly and strongly than in ♀; teeth partly hidden by dense apical fringe of hairs. Mandibles bidentate, upper tooth short, apical tooth sharp. Proboscis, galea and labrum proportions as in ♀. Vestiture very dense on frons, paraocular and supraclypeal areas and clypeus. Punctation overall more homogeneous than in ♀, finer and denser on average; clypeus entirely punctate except a narrow impunctate area along lateral margins, punctation fine and dense, difficult to see due to dense vestiture. Labrum medially shiny, unpunctured or with sparse punctation, shagreened and more densely punctate laterally. Antennae. Scape densely punctate and hairy, 3 times as long as wide at apex; width at apex twice basal width. FL2 triangular, at most 1,5 as long as wide at apex, as long as FL3 and FL4 together. FL3 and FL4 twice as wide as long. FL8–10 nearly square, FL11 approximately 1,5 times as long as wide. Flagella flattened dorso-ventrally; only internal surface of FL2 (distinctly) and FL3 (slightly) convex. FL5– or FL6–11 orange ventrally (Figs
Mesosoma and legs. As in ♀ except where indicated hereafter. Punctation denser and finer on scutum and lateral parts of mesepisternum, and denser on area around propodeal pit.
Metasoma. Tergal punctation generally as in ♀ but punctures less impressed and area with fine punctation on tergal margins wider. T7 finely punctate and shagreened basally, smooth and shiny medially, punctation becoming rugose and sparse apically. T2–3 depressed basally. T6 with a strong tooth laterally, apical margin irregular, slightly sinuate medially. In dorsal view, lateral margin of T7 slightly concave medially, apical margin rounded (Fig.
The species epithet onosmaevae refers to the assumed close association with plants of the genus Onosma (see section on pollen hosts below) and to Maëva Gardenat, to whom the first author wishes to dedicate this species.
Known so far from the Mount Gara in northern Iraq (Dahuk Governorate), from the Nemrut Dağ in Eastern Turkey (Bitlis province), from the western and central Taurus Mountains in southern Turkey (Antalya and Mersin province), from the western Pontic Mountains in northwestern Turkey (Bolu Province) and from the Tinée Valley in the French southern Alps (Provence-Alpes-Côte-d’Azur region) (Fig.
Field observations were conducted at the “Vallon du torrent de Jalorgues” (Figs
Several females were observed collecting pollen and nectar on flowers of Onosma tricerosperma subsp. fastigiata (Figs
Hoplitis onosmaevae sp. nov., foraging habitat and behaviour (France, Saint-Dalmas-le-Selvage, 23.6.2020). 15. Foraging habitat with patch of the host plant, Onosma tricerosperma subsp. fastigiata; 16. Male resting on stone between two patrolling flights, with unfolded proboscis; 17. Male resting on stone between two patrolling flights; 18. Female on a flower of Onosma tricerosperma subsp. fastigiata; 19. Female concentrating nectar with widely open mandibles.
The pollen contained in the female scopae and the brood cells was morphologically identical to reference pollen samples of Onosma; while the French samples certainly belong to Onosma, the unambiguous identification of Onosma pollen was not possible for the Turkish samples, as several closely related Boraginaceae genera with similar pollen morphology occur in Turkey.
A nesting site was found on 23.6.2020 in the “Vallon du torrent de Jalorgues” by observing the flight direction of a female leaving the main patch of host plants. The nesting site was situated at a distance of approximately 35–40 m from the Onosma patch, where three dead trunks of larch (Larix decidua Miller, 1768) were present, one lying and two still standing (Fig.
Hoplitis onosmaevae sp. nov., nesting habitat and behaviour (France, Saint-Dalmas-le-Selvage, 23.6.2020, for photographs). 20. Female in buzzing position on a flower of Onosma tricerosperma subsp. fastigiata; 21. Female leaving a flower of Onosma tricerosperma subsp. fastigiata; 22. Nesting habitat with dead trunks of larch; 23. Nest entrance plugged with sand and pebbles; 24. Female near the nest entrance, which is visible at the bottom left; 25. Cross-section of nest (P = pollen provisions).
In the past twelve years, numerous new bee species have been discovered in mainland France. These new discoveries mainly concern species known from adjacent or other European countries (
This discovery is particularly remarkable as this species shows a highly disjunct distribution, occurring in southern France and at least 2000 km away in Turkey and Iraq. The morphology of both females and males of the European and the Asian populations is completely identical including the shape of the male antenna and the form of the membraneous appendage of male sternum 6, which are highly diagnostic characters in the subgenus Hoplitis. Thus, these disjunct populations are treated here as conspecific despite the lack of genetic data for the eastern populations. The bumblebee Bombus brodmannicus Vogt, 1909 shows an even more disjunct distribution occurring in the southern Alps and the eastern Pontic Mountains, the Armenian highlands and the Caucasus (
Hoplitis species of the subgenus Hoplitis show a tight association with two plant families, the Boraginaceae and the Fabacaeae (
In contrast to the Boraginaceae genera mentioned above, pollen collection on flowers of Onosma does not require morphological specializations on proboscis or front legs. In this genus, the pollen is shed into a cone that is formed by the five adjacent anthers and can be extracted either by buzzing or with mandibles and fore legs (
The phylogenetic position of H. onosmaevae strongly suggests that specialization on Onosma has occurred at least twice among species of the adunca group, once in H. onosmaevae and once in the clade containing H. holmboei and Hoplitis sp. nov. 2, whereas H. holmboei, and possibly Hoplitis sp. nov. 2, also collect pollen from other genera of Boraginaceae. The phylogenetic position of H. linguaria, which is most probably oligolectic on Onosma (
The nesting biology is unknown for more than two thirds of the Hoplitis species of the adunca group (
The extreme rarity of Hoplitis onosmaevae in France, where it is currently known only from two restricted and little distant localities, does not seem to be fully accounted for by the rarity of its host plant, since large Onosma tricerosperma subsp. fastigiata populations are known outside the known range of H. onosmaevae, for example in the southern part of the Massif Central and at lower altitudes in the southern Alps. Hoplitis onosmaevae was only found at elevations between 1900 m and 2000 m in France and between 1075 m and 2350 m in Turkey and Iraq. This suggests that H. onosmaevae may have a particularly narrow climatic niche in France and does not find suitable climatic conditions at lower elevations, despite the presence of the host plant. This situation is reminiscent of that of Bombus brodmannicus, which is also much more narrowly distributed in the Alps than its host plant, Cerinthe (Boraginaceae). Possibly, these two bee species are associated with climatic conditions that are only found at certain elevations in restricted areas of the southern Alps, for example humid and cold winters and particularly hot and dry summers. Other factors may also limit the distribution of H. onosmaevae, particularly the presence of dead wood as nesting substrate, which represents a scarce resource in the steppe-like grasslands, where Onosma plants preferentially grow. The local history of forest use by humans may also partly explain the rarity of H. onosmaevae; massive deforestation in the southern Alps from approximately 2000 BC (
The strongly disjunct distribution of H. onosmaevae and the bee’s extremely local occurrence in limited areas of the southern French Alps have important implications for conservation. The species has most probably a very narrow ecological niche, making it highly susceptible to future changes in its habitats, for example due to changes in agricultural practices or to climate change. Even if the two known sites of H. onosmaevae are located in the core area of the Mercantour National Park, human activities can threaten its populations. Pastoralism, for example, is a significant economic activity in the Park and considered as an important heritage, playing a role in maintaining open habitats (
Given the extreme rarity of Hoplitis onosmaevae in France and the species’ high vulnerability to habitat changes due to its strong dependence on Onosma and dead wood, a detailed conservation plan should be worked out in the southwestern Alps, including the following measures: 1. additional fieldwork to identify further populations and to determine the current distribution of H. onosmaevae, including in the Italian Alps, where the species could also be present; 2. the active conservation of the known populations of H. onosmaevae, for example by adopting an appropriate management plan, ensuring that the habitat characteristics do not change and providing an adequate supply of plant and nesting ressources for the bee, with the aim of increasing the overall size of the population; 3. adaptation of the eco-pastoral management plans in the regions of the Mercantour National Park where the species occurs, to preserve and increase the abundance of the Onosma stands.
The authors thank Maud Mignot and Dimitri Bénon for help during field work; Mercantour National Park for allowing the collection of bees in the core area, and especially Marie-France Leccia and the staff from the Tinée and Var areas for facilitating the logistics; Jan Macek (Praha Museum), Martin Schwarz and Esther Öckermüller (Biologiezentrum Linz) for help in the search for the types of H. semilinguaria; Lucas Ferron for the drawing of the nest; and Herbert Zettel and Max Kasparek as well as the subject editor Stefan Dötterl for reviewing the manuscript.
Field work in Mercantour National Park in 2018 was co-financed by the Government of Monaco and the Prince Albert II of Monaco Foundation.
Database for all specimens examined in this study
Data type: xlsx