A. Individual of Zeyheria montana Mart. on rocky outcrops in Minas Gerais, southeastern Brazil; B. Ectatomma tuberculatum (Olivier, 1792) on the leaf blade of the Z. montana. The yellow arrow points to the ant and the red arrows point to the extrafloral nectaries; C. Wasp (yellow arrow) removing nectar inside the flower bud of Z. montana; D. Interaction between the ant E. tuberculatum and the treehopper Guayaquila xiphias (Fabricius, 1803), which provides honeydew in exchange for protection. The yellow arrow points to the ant and the red arrows point to the treehoppers; E. Reaction of the aggressive E. tuberculatum ant, which protects the treehoppers from attacking invaders. The yellow arrow points to the ant and the red arrows point to the treehoppers; F. The treehoppers G. xiphias (red arrows) at the base of Z. montana fruits.