Median lobe of aedeagus of Philaccolilus species (left, lateral, right, ventral view) A, B. P. ameliae (from Brazza River); C, D. P. ameliae (paratype from Wau); E, F. P. febrina (from Tamrau Mts.); G, H. P. weylandensis (from Weyland Mts.); I, J. P. weylandensis (from Digul River).

  Part of: Balke M, Panjaitan R, Surbakti S, Shaverdo H, Hendrich L, Van Dam MH, Lam A (2022) NextRAD phylogenomics, sanger sequencing and morphological data to establish three new species of New Guinea stream beetles. Alpine Entomology 6: 51-64.