A) Habitus, B) aedeagus (dorsal view) and C) last abdominal segments (lateral view) of Malthodes crassicornis (Tannino, Chiasso); D) habitus and E) aedeagus (dorsal view) of Malthodes kahleni (Hasle, Entlebuch) (last abdominal segments damaged); F) habitus, G) aedeagus (dorsal view) and H) last abdominal segments (lateral view) of Malthodes stolzi (Bruzella); I) habitus, J) aedeagus (dorsal view) and K) last abdominal segments (lateral view) of Malthodes umbrosus (Riva S. Vitale). Scale bar: 0.5 mm. (Photos by Y. Chittaro).

  Part of: Chittaro Y, Sanchez A, Geiser M (2021) An updated checklist of the Cantharidae and Lycidae of Switzerland (Coleoptera, Elateroidea). Alpine Entomology 5: 77-94. https://doi.org/10.3897/alpento.5.67808