Male adult of Chaetocladius lodscrozetae sp. n.: 32–33, palpomeres 3–4 with sensilla clavata on palpomere 3; 34, last flagellomere; 35, clypeus; 36–37, hypopygium, dorsal (36) and ventral (37) with anal point and tergite IX removed; 38, virga, two aspects; 39, ventral view of inferior volsella; 40, anal point and tergite IX in lateral view; 41, left gonocoxite in lateral view; 42–44, gonostylus, lateral (42), dorsal (43) and dorso-lateral (44).

  Part of: Moubayed-Breil J, Lods-Crozet B (2018) On the genus Chaetocladius s. str. Kieffer, 1911 from Switzerland with descriptions of five new relic species occurring in glacial alpine springs and streams (Diptera, Chironomidae). Alpine Entomology 2: 15-34.