Distribution and sampling of Quedius obliqueseriatus in the North-Western Caucasus. A. North-Western Caucasus terrain and sampled localities. B. Example of sampled habitats of Q. obliqueseriatus. Numbers represent the names of localities as follows: 1. Aderbienka 2. Pshada 3. Archipo-Osipovka 4. Bzhyd 5. Defanovka 6. Moldavanovka 7. Olginka 8. Nebug 9. Kirpichnoe 10. Krivenkovskoe 11. Induk 12. Semashko 13. Shepsi 14. Druzhba 15. Terziyan 16. Apsheronsk 17. Tatyanovka 18. Temnolesskaya 19. Vardane 20. Solokh Aul 21. Babuk Aul 22. Gorniy Vozdukh 23. Medoveevka 24. Vardane Verino 25. Chvizhepse 26. Krasnaya Polyana 27. Esto-Sadok 28. Aibga 29. Atschischo. Dotted purple and orange lines or question marks indicate hypothesized distribution area of the western and eastern clades, respectively. Photos by M. Salnitska.