Endophallus of Nebria kobushicola sp. nov. A–D. Holotype male from Mount Kobushigatake; E–H. Paratype male from Mount Kobushigatake; I–L. Paratype male from Akadakekousen. Right lateral view (A, E, I), ventral view (B, F, J), dorsal view (C, G, K), and dorsoapical view (D, H, L), showing a dorsal view of the dorsoapical lobe. Abbreviations: go, gonopore; others are the same as in Fig. 4.
Part of: Sasakawa K (2023) Taxonomic study of the alpine carabid beetle Nebria (Falcinebria) taketoi Habu, 1962 (Coleoptera, Carabidae). Alpine Entomology 7: 185-194. https://doi.org/10.3897/alpento.7.109855